We're here for all students.
WSU’s Student Care Network supports student success across the system through access to resources and early intervention. Each WSU location has a designated Student Care Team comprised of professionals who can recommend appropriate resources and services to help students succeed.
Early intervention is the key to student success. The Student Care Network allows you to share concerns about a student’s emotional or psychological well-being, physical health, or academic performance with colleagues on your campus who can help. When you submit your referral through our online form, an email will be generated contacting the relevant offices on your campus.
Remember: If someone poses an immediate threat to themselves or to others, call 911.
Learn more about the non-clinical case management provided by the Student Care Team.
Frequently Asked Questions about Student Care Requests
What type of support is available?
The Student Care Team provides non-clinical case management for students enrolled in the current academic term. This means they don't directly provide medical, legal, or financial services - but they can connect you to those who do.
Students can receive information and referrals for support related to academics, financial insecurity, food insecurity, housing insecurity, interpersonal conflict(s), mental health, medical concerns, navigating/accessing university resources, post-hospitalization, recent personal tragedy, threatening behaviors toward self or others, or other problems.
Students can receive resource referral information in various ways, including emails, phone calls, individual appointments with a Care Case Manager (in-person or via Zoom), or appointments coordinated with other offices on campus.
How do I connect with the Student Care Team?
Anyone can refer a student to the Student Care Team.
Any student can refer themself to the Student Care Team.
Can I get support from the Student Care team on all WSU campuses?
Every WSU campus has a Student Care Team.
The student care referral allows you to selet the campus that the student attends so that the referral will be forwarded to the campus-specific team.
You can email the campus-specific Student Care Team member, provided here.