Emergency Funding
Many students experience financial challenges during college. If you need support, we’re here for you.
WSU is committed to helping you access the resources you need to thrive and complete your degree. Emergency funding is available to students who need assistance with expenses related to housing, transportation, and health care. Students may receive up to $1,000 per academic year.
See below to learn what types of expenses are covered and not covered by emergency funding. For more information about emergency funds and eligibility, visit the Student Financial Services website.
Who is eligible?
Student Emergency Funds are available for students experiencing financial emergencies.
- To be considered for these funds, students must:
- Complete an Emergency Funding Request.
- Be enrolled in three or more hours of classes in the term in which they are requesting funding.
- Have unmet financial need as determined by Student Financial Services (SFS) using the FAFSA or WAFSA.
- International students who are experiencing an unexpected emergency will also need to demonstrate unmet financial need, as determined by SFS, to be considered for emergency funding.
Emergency funds can only be distributed during the current term for enrolled students. Emergency funding cannot be provided during breaks.
Frequently Asked Questions
What type of expenses are eligible for emergency funding?
Rent and utility payments you are unable to pay due to an emergency (for example, if you are unable to work due to illness or injury and can’t pay your rent).
Medical, dental, and mental health emergencies.
Expenses related to major accidents or losses (for example, theft, flooding, or fire).
Unexpected expenses for the care of dependents or another family member.
Expenses related to the death of a family member(s)
What type of expenses are NOT eligible for emergency funding?
Personal debt such as credit cards
Academic fees
Pet expenses
Parking tickets
Personal/leisure travel or travel to conferences
Unmet recurring expenses that are considered part of a routine monthly budget
By itself, a strike or work stoppage does not meet the criteria of an unexpected emergency.
What type of documentation can be considered for emergency expenses?
Eviction notices
Medical bills
Quotes for unexpected medical care, car care, daycare, or other eligible expenses
Overdue utility bills that may result in termination of services
All documentation must be dated within 30 days of the date of the submitted emergency funding request.
Do I have to repay emergency funding?
No, emergency funding is considered a grant and does not have to be repaid.
What are the funding sources for student emergency funding?
There are several sources for emergency funding, including:
- Generous contributions from donors.
- State funding
- Specific grant programs
Emergency funding can only be awarded to students who are determined to be eligible to receive such funds by Student Financial Services (SFS).
What if I have student loans available?
Students are generally expected to first access self-help forms of student financial aid such as student loans, work-study, or student employment before requesting emergency funding.
In some cases, students may be eligible for emergency funding if they have not accepted student loans, but emergency funding may be offered in conjunction with other sources of funding available to the student.
If you are a graduate student Academic Student Employee member of the United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Local 4121 (UAW), please refer to https://wsucase.org/ for information about potential resources.
How much can I request?
Emergency funding is limited to $500 per request and housing security requests are limited to $1000 per request.
Students may receive emergency funding one time per semester and up to two times during their academic career.
Emergency funding is not guaranteed and may vary in amount, depending on student eligibility and funding availability.
What is the process for receiving emergency funds?
Student completes the Emergency Funding Request
Student Financial Services (SFS) reviews student for eligibility
- If the student is eligible, SFS evaluates types of funding available to the student and notifies student of award amount
- If the student is eligible, but SFS is unable to meet the student’s need through funding sources at SFS, the student is referred to Office of the Dean of Students
- If the student is not eligible for emergency funding, SFS notifies the student that they are not eligible.
When referred to the Office of the Dean of Students, the student information is reviewed for eligibility for funding.
- When a student is determined to be eligible and when funds are available, Office of the Dean of Students notifies student of award amount.
- If a student is not eligible or funds are not available, Office of the Dean of Students notifies student that they are not eligible or that funds are not currently available.
When will emergency funds be available?
Emergency funds are generally available within 5 – 10 business days if all documentation is received with the initial application. Emergency funds can only be distributed to enrolled students during the current term. Emergency funding cannot be provided during breaks.
Every request for emergency funding must be processed through SFS before the Office of the Dean of Students can consider eligibility.
Students who are approved for emergency funds and have set up direct deposit via myWSU will receive emergency funds electronically into their personal bank account.
Students who have not set up direct deposit via myWSU will receive their emergency funds via a check that is mailed to the address listed in myWSU as their local address. This process may significantly increase the amount of time it takes for a student to receive emergency funds.
To set up direct deposit via myWSU:
- Visit the Financial Account tile.
- Select Enroll in Direct Deposit under “Account Services”.
- For more information, watch the How to Set Up Direct Deposit video .
Support Students: Give to the Emergency Fund
Students have called the Student Emergency Fund a lifeline for supporting them through crisis situations. Contributions go directly to students who need assistance paying for fundamental needs such as rent, food, utilities, and medications. Receiving financial support in these areas can mean the difference between staying enrolled and needing to leave school, and it allows students to focus on their studies and progress toward their degrees.