HEERF III-ARP Information
The Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) has provided emergency funding to institutions of higher education and their students during the Coronavirus pandemic. HEERF funding was split up into 3 programs, HEERF I, HEERF II, and HEERF III. HEERF III is the American Rescue Plan, or ARP.
Current Status
As of August 2021, American Rescue Plan (ARP) distribution to students has been initiated for Fall 2021.
WSU was awarded approximately $61 million from the federal American Rescue Plan, or ARP, on May 20, 2021. Of the total award, $31.1 million is allocated to Student Emergency Funds.
Funding Methodology and Timeline
Disbursement of ARP funding began in June 2021, to students enrolled in Summer term. Due to the May 2021 guidance by the U.S. Department of Education, eligibility criteria for offering HEERF III funds to students is more expanded than prior HEERF programs' initial criteria. Students enrolled in Summer 2021 were considered for the program. Students enrolled in Fall 2021 are now being considered for program funding.
Fall 2021 Semester Criteria
Determine criteria for eligible students:
- Degree-seeking students enrolled for 3 or more hours in Fall 2021 and:
- Students who completed a 2021-2022 FAFSA or WAFSA and are in application complete status for the 2021-2022 aid year and:
Identify eligible students with the greatest need first (per federal guidance)
- Undergraduate students who have completed the FAFSA and who are Pell-eligible for the 2021-2022 aid year.
- Undergraduate students who have completed the FAFSA or WASFA and who have an expected family contribution (EFC) of $15,000 or less.
- Graduate or Professional students who have completed the FAFSA or WASFA and who have an EFC of $5,846 or less.
- Distribution Level is tiered, with needier students receiving more:
- Pell-eligible students (FAFSA applied undergraduates with $5,846 EFC or less): $3,000.
- WASFA applied undergraduate applicants with $5,846 EFC or less: $3,000.
- Undergraduates (FAFSA or WASFA applicants) with EFC greater than $5,846, but less than or equal to $15,000: $2,000.
- Graduate or Professional students (FAFSA or WASFA applicants) with an EFC of $5,846 or less: $2,000.
Application Process
- Students not selected through the above process, but who are degree seeking and enrolled in 3 or more credits for Fall 2021, will be considered through the Emergency Fund Request form process. This includes students who would not be eligible for federal aid (international, undocumented, or non-FAFSA filers). The amount of these distributions is set at $1,000.
Summer 2021 Semester Criteria
Determine criteria for eligible students:
- Students who had a FAFSA or WASFA for the 2020-21 aid year (for Summer 2021).
- Students enrolled at 3 or more hours for Summer 2021.
Identify eligible students with the greatest need first (per federal guidance)
- Undergraduate students who are Pell-eligible for the 2020-21 aid year.
- Undergraduate students with an EFC of $12,000 or less (FAFSA or WAFSA applicants).
- Graduate/professional students with an EFC of $5,711 or less.
- VetMed and Pharmacy students on Summer rotation with an EFC of $5,711 or less.
- Distribution Level: $1,000
Application Process
- Students not selected through the above process, but who were degree seeking and enrolled in 3 or more credits for Summer 2021, were considered through the Emergency Fund Request form process. This included students who would not be eligible for federal aid (international, undocumented, or non-FAFSA filers). The amount of those distributions was set at $500.
More Information
Please see the HEERF III-ARP Reporting for more information.
Key Facts Regarding Federal CARES Act Grants
Washington State University acknowledges that it has signed and returned the Certification and Agreement to the Department of Education.