Support for after you've been in the hospital

If you’ve visited the emergency room or been admitted to the hospital, the information in this guide will help you prepare for your potential return to campus life and connect you with the resources available to support you at WSU.   

If you are going to be away from class for an extended time and are not able to communicate with your instructors in a timely way, the Student Care Team may notify your instructors about your absence and ask for academic flexibility while you recover from your emergency. While this notification cannot excuse or verify your absence, it reassures your instructors that you are safe and receiving support. 

If you would like to inform us of your hospitalization, please call the office (509-335-5757) or fill out this post-hospitalization support form

After your hospital visit:

  • Safe Transportation from the Hospital to Home (Pullman Only)

    If you need a safe ride from the hospital back to your residence hall or apartment, please do not hesitate to call the non-emergency police dispatch to request a courtesy transport. 

    Non-emergency police dispatch in Pullman: 509-332-2521 

  • Communication with Instructors

    When you are able, contact your instructors to propose a plan for catching up on missed attendance and coursework. Your instructors will determine what arrangements may be made based on the attendance policy outlined in their syllabus.   

  • Academic Advising

    Your academic advisor is your partner in planning your course load and managing your academic progress. If you need to adjust your current schedule, withdraw from the term, or change your academic plans, contact your academic advisor to make an appointment.   

  • Reduce Course Load

    After you leave the hospital, you may decide that you would like to complete the semester with a lighter course load. This could look like dropping or withdrawing from one or two classes. You will remain a full-time student as long as you stay enrolled in at least 12 credit hours.   

  • Term Withdrawal

    If you are absent from classes for more than three weeks (approximately 20% of the semester) for any reason, you may wish to consider withdrawing from the term and returning when you are able to focus on your academic goals.   

    Note: A term withdrawal would terminate your current enrollment at WSU, which would end your access to housing, healthcare, and counseling services on campus.  

  • Financial Services

    If you are thinking about becoming a part-time student (1-11 credits per semester) or withdrawing from the term, contact Student Financial Services to understand the impacts of these actions on your student loans and eligibility for financial aid.   

    If you are facing a financial emergency, you may be eligible for emergency assistance from the university.    

    Student Financial Services: 509-335-9711  

  • Accommodations for Temporary or Permanent Disabilities

    The Access Center at WSU ensures that students with temporary, chronic, and permanent disabilities have the tools, support services, and resources that allow equitable access to their education, programs, activities, and campus facilities. The first step is to submit an application. Then, you can meet with an Access Advisor to discuss your experiences, barriers, and requested accommodations more thoroughly.   

    Access Center: 509-335-3417  

  • Medical Care (Pullman Only)

    Cougar Health Services specializes in treating college-aged patients through primary and specialized care. Their on-campus pharmacy offers prescriptions, over-the-counter medication, and online refills through the patient portal.  

    Cougar Health Services | 509-335-3575  

    Pharmacy | 509-335-5742  

  • Mental Healthcare (Pullman Only)

    Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) offers several ways for students to receive free and confidential therapy, including short-term individual and couples counseling, group counseling, and crisis support. CAPS also provides support groups, workshops, and self-help tools.   

    CAPS | 509-335-4511  

  • Recovery from Substance Abuse

    Students may refer themselves to Cougs for Recovery for a confidential recovery coaching session at any time. In a safe and comfortable setting, you can decide what services would be right for you. Whether it’s socializing in safer ways, exploring your relationship with substances, or considering recovery, a Recovery Coach will meet you where you and help you get where you want to be.