WSU Spokane Campus Pantry
About the pantry:
- A partnership with Second Harvest allows the pantry to stock fresh fruits and vegetables.
- The Campus Pantry started as a registered student organization formed by two Nutrition and Exercise Physiology students and developed into a campus resource given the larger campus commitment to food insecurity.
- The pantry was originally called, 'Peers Helping Peers,' when it began in 2016.
Request Food
The Campus Pantry is a campus resource for WSU and EWU students to have access to fresh produce and dried goods. If you're in need of food, drop by any time during these hours. We look forward to serving you!
Location and Hours of Operation
Check the Spokane Campus Pantry website for current semester operating hours and location.
- Food donations may be left in the cardboard donations box outside the pantry.
- The shelf-stable items the pantry stocks are: oatmeal, rice, canned fruit, canned vegetables, canned meals, canned meat, peanut butter, jelly, pasta, pasta sauce and beans. Other food items are welcome.
- Toiletries and school supplies also are often donated and distributed.
- Campus food drives are held twice a year and are a contest between departments to see which unit can donate the most food. A trophy is awarded.