WSU is aware that remote instruction may pose some challenges for students who do not have personal access to a device that is adequate for participating in online instruction, or do not have adequate WiFi access.

The Office of the Provost is partnering with Information Technology Services to introduce a computer loan program, making a number of Acer Chromebooks available to students for personal educational use. They are also partnering to provide WiFi access via mobile hotspots for WSU’s fall semester.

If you are interested in the computer loan program or improved WiFi access, please complete and submit the appropriate form linked above for your convenience. Further information will be provided upon submission of the form.

Preparing to Complete Courses Remotely

The Student Guide for Remote Coursework outlines resources to help you successfully complete courses delivered remotely through Blackboard Learn and other academic technology.

Academic Accommodations

Students who currently have an accommodation plan with the Access Center should reach out to their access advisor to discuss if changes are necessary.